Introduction Post

Hello! I previously built this blog using WordPress, and exporting its static HTML using Simply Static. Then I would upload the static files to Vercel, and host it for free.

Recently I had a change of heart, and decided to rebuild this site/blog using 11ty. 11ty is a static website builder that embraces the JAMstack (Javascript, APIs, Markdown). Right now I'm just using markdown files to write these posts.

Right now this will be super barebones, but I will work on styling it more. My main goal is to have an easy place to share thoughts. I'll write more technical and in-depth articles on my personal portfolio site.

Thank you for reading!

Posting From GitHub Mobile

Ok so I tried syncing my Obsidian folder to this GitHub repo but I wasn't able to figure it out. I figured I'd give this workflow a try though. I installed GitHub on my phone, and I'm creating this file inside of this repo. This should work since Vercel handles the pulling and runs NPM and what not... This will be a good middle ground for now.

Why Did I Switch Tech Stack?

A while back I built this site using WordPress (check out my introduction post). However, I wanted to try out something different, more nimble, and straightforward.

I've tinkered with 11ty for years, built a few simple sites and blocks, but never kept them up to date. I use Obsidian for my daily journaling, and was wondering if I could make a workflow that automatically publishes anything I write in a "Blog" folder, to the Github repo this site is hosted on. I haven't set up that workflow yet, but going to try it next and report on it.